
Swells in Neck

Three years ago my neck was swollen suddenly and I was diagnosed with lymphatic nodes swell with have spread from testis. My life was shattered. After the operation to remove the swell and went through aggressive treatment in hospital, I decided to change my diet from spicy, oily, deep-fried food and sugary drinks to plain steamed food with a lot of fresh vegetables and lots of plain water. In addition, I read about the amazing stories about the healing power of Agaricus Brazil Mushroom and decided to consume it everyday as part of my daily diet.

Now three years passed by quickly and looking back, I thank the grace of God for pulling me through. At the last thorough blood tests & check-up in September 2005, my regular doctor congratulated me that I was a healthy person and told me that I needed to check up only once a year.

Yeo, Age 36

Blood Problem

My three year old son Wong KW was diagnosed with Blood Problem. I was very depressed and felt helpless. In September 2005, I read in the Mutated Cells- Fix magazine and found an article about Agaricus Brazil Mushroom and its extraordinary boosting power for immune system which I think it may be able to help in blood health problem and I bought and gave to my son to eat on 26th September 2005 onwards. To my surprise, a scheduled blood test three weeks after the consumption shown great improvement in most of the Blood Counts.

I continue to bring him to seek doctor’s aggressive treatment and taking prescribed drugs. I also gave my son the health supplement Agaricus Mushroom which I treat it like part of his daily diet. I asked his oncologist who has no issue with it as it is food, edible mushroom. Subsequent blood tests have shown steady improvements in both White Blood Counts and Red Blood Counts. The last blood test on 7th Feb 2006 was satisfactory.

Wong KW, Age 3

Red Patches on Neck

When I was 16, I was diagnosed with Red Patches on Neck and lower chin, an inflamed connective tissue, affecting the skin and various internal organs. I had red scaly rash on the cheek and neck. I also experienced joint pains of which sometimes were so unbearable. This problem was regarded as an auto-immune disorder. I was on steroid for 20 years! Until one year ago, my doctor advised me to stop the steroid as it did not really help to improve my conditions any further. In fact he was worried about the side effects of steroid on my bones and internal organs.

I thank God that during the same time, around July 2005, I came across a friend who recommended me the company to contact Naturo Health International and the manager recommended me three products to take for my red patches on neck and joint pains.

He was explaining that first I have to pass motion everyday to get rid of my toxic waste everyday so that it would not be re-absorbed back into my body system. He gave me Naturo® Colon Health sachet powder to mix together with any of my favourite drink and consume before meals twice daily. This really helped me to pass motion at ease and in bulk too.

He then asked me to consume Naturo® ImmunOHealth Pure Agaricus Brazil Mushroom to boost and balance the immune system which would naturally able to help to address the rashes and scaly skin conditions.

He also asked me to consume Naturo® Joint Health for my joint pains which he explained was mainly due to the wear and tear of the cartilage in between bones. Naturo® Joint Health Pure Glucosamine would be able to assist in repairing and growing back the cartilage thereby building back the cushion in between bones. Thus helped to reduce joint pains naturally, but over a period of one to three months.

After consuming the products for one month, I found my skin had improved, although the joint pains were still there. I was encouraged to continue the products as well as taking care of my daily diet which was to take less chilli spicy food, less oil, no deep-fried food, no chocolate, no  sugar, no peanuts, drink plenty of water, etc. The manager sounded like my grand mother but I thanked him for putting me on the right track and now 6 months after consuming the Naturo health supplements, I was totally rid of my skin problems. My joint pains reduced substantially. Although I still had some pains in my first and middle fingers which were mainly because of my school administration job which required me to use my hand and fingers more on stapling and binding notes for students.

Whenever my friends saw me, they always complemented on my rosy complexion and I had also gained weight from a skinny 45 kg to better shaped 50 kg.

Ms Susie, Age 38

Breast Problem

One day in June 2005, I found some smelly discharge from my left breast. After doctor diagnosed it as serious erupted breast with pus, I was depressed with confused with mixed feelings as if it was a death sentence. I was shocked that at such a young age how this could happen to me. There were so many things I had not accomplished yet. I wanted to live on…

While I went through aggressive treatment and counselling, I did a lot of reading and research on the topic on the internet. I believed there were many natural herbs able to “heal” my erupted breast abscess. But I could not afford to put myself as experimental guinea pig. I came across the miraculous healing power of Agaricus Brazil Mushroom. In September 2005, I bought Naturo® ImmunOHealth Pure Agaricus Brazil Mushroom as I trusted that it was manufactured in Singapore under GMP Manufacturer. That gave me the assurance of quality. Moreover, the company imported the whole Agaricus Brazil Mushroom and processed with extraction in Singapore which meant that more of the nutrients were contained in the capsules and the quality processed was controlled in Singapore.

After consuming the 2 capsules 3 times for three weeks, my regular check up in October 2005 revealed that I had additional lumpy growth. I checked with the manager at the Naturo Health International and I was told that I must cut off completely my beloved sugary drinks, chilli and spicy curry food as well as red meats, nuts, chocolates and deep fried food. In addition, I must not consume any hot food and beverage which were in contact with polystyrene foam boxes or cups. I had to immediately stop my cup noodles and the take away hot coffee in polystyrene cup.  I was also told to increase dosage to 4 capsules 3 times for 1 month.  To my relief, the smelly discharge stopped and the abscess seemed smaller.

I was glad that I had changed my daily diet to a more plain steamed food with more raw fresh vegetables and fruits. I also slept early and drank plenty of water. I continued Naturo® ImmunOHealth Pure Agaricus Brazil Mushroom 4 capsules 2 times a day for following 2 months as well as the Naturo® Colon Health Pure Dietary Fibre 2 sachets a day which helps me to pass motion everyday at ease.

Four months passed by ever since. Each time the regular check up feed back gave me encouragement. My discharge had stopped and the abscess was getting much much smaller and my blood tests results improved. I thank God that my changed lifestyle and diet as well the immune enhancing mushroom had helped me in my health.

Ms Lin, Age 32

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